Oil Free Aotearoa

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Oil Free Otago Aotearoa


  • To use the NZ Curriculum to:
    1. Equip students with the knowledge and skills to discuss with their families and friends the issues surrounding oil
    2. Share the message of oil extraction and its impact on the planet
    3. Discuss why New Zealanders need to uphold their right to protest
    4. Understand why New Zealand is moving in a direction that risks it's land, waterways and seas
    5. Plan for a future based on clean energy

NZ Curriculum


Students will be encouraged to value:

  • Excellence, by aiming high and by persevering in the face of difficulties;
  • Innovation, inquiry, and curiosity, by thinking critically, creatively, and reflectively;
  • Diversity, as found in our different cultures, languages, and heritages;
  • Equity, through fairness and social justice;
  • Community and participation for the common good;
  • Ecological sustainability, which includes care for the environment;
  • Integrity, which involves being honest, responsible, and accountable and acting ethically;
    • and to respect themselves, others, and human rights.


  • Through cultural diversity, community engagement and future focus

Key Competencies

  • Thinking, participating and contributing

Learning area

  • English, Maths, Science, Social Science and Health

Oil Free - Enviroschools - Otago

Helping to create a more sustainable, healthy, peaceful and beautiful future

Oil Free - Envirethical Curriculum

Caring for the earth and its inhabitants

Oil Free - Education For Sustainability - Otago Polytechnic

  • EfS will challenge you to think about sustainability and what education for sustainability means locally and globally

Click here for - Teacher and learning plans

  • Resources and programmes to promote oil free Otago (Aotearoa)


  1. Needs writing for younger students
Single file beach.jpg
Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg