Computer in Language Teaching

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Dilipbarad
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Dear Mamun, I will surely help you in designing SLM. Similarly, I will need ur help also. The beauty of online SLM is that we can help each other from far situated locations. I am glad to see that u are working on MRP. I have applied to UGC for MRP on ICT in TELL (Teaching English Language and Literature). If I get approval, i will ask you to share your research findings. I hope you will share it with me. Warm regards, Dilip Barad

Dilipbarad (talk)04:52, 16 August 2008

Dear Dr. Barad I have prepared the unit structure. Our facilitator edited the same and I want you to make your remark. thanx. Mamun

Mamun (talk)13:27, 27 August 2008