Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate/Milestone 4/Pedagogical template/CNCC Module 4 Section 4.2 design example

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Section 2 Cells

Section Overview

Welcome to Section 2 Cells

In this section you will learn how spreadsheets use cells to manage and manipulate data, and more importantly how you can format and use those cells to view and store data before going on to analyse it.

Tutorial 2 - 4.2.2 Selecting Cells

Icon objectives.jpg


In this tutorial we will:
  • Select cells, ranging from a single cell up to an entire worksheet of cells
  • Select rows, ranging from a single row up to a range rows
  • Select columns, from a single column up to a range of columns

<Tutorial # - Sub-section Title as a link>

Icon objectives.jpg


In this tutorial we will:
  • Text here
  • Text here
  • Text here